К основному контенту

I will like to work this out with you.

Dear Sir/Madam

My name is Ms. Charlene Bakari i have interest in Investing in your country into a Joint venture and I have cash deposited in Security Company here and can move it to your country through good arrangement by bank or diplomatic channel, if you can be able to meet the formalities that is need by the security company were the money is been deposited.

Upon getting the below information from you I will let you know the actual amount of the money that is involve and the country where the money is been kept and as well send you prove of fund. Note that I am doing this because of security reason

1. Your Full Name.
2. Home phone & Cell Phone
3. Any form of Identification either Driver's license or International Passport.

Upon receiving the mention information I will let you know how to contact the security company for immediate realise of the fund and arrangement to get the money transferred to your account .

Your Sincerely

Charlene Bakari.

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